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Upgrading from Pebble 1.x

If you're upgrading from a previous 1.x version of Pebble, you'll need to follow these instructions.

Directory structure

Pebble 2.0 introduces a new directory structure for the storage of its data so, if you are upgrading from a previous version, you'll need to restructure your directories very slightly. Pebble will automatically create this structure if the data directory specified in the configuration doesn't exist.

Single blog

The following diagrams show the directory structure when Pebble is hosting a single blog, in Pebble 1.x and Pebble 2.x respectively. You will need to restructure your existing directories to match this new layout.

- Blog directory

|-- 2006
|-- files
|-- images
|-- ...
- Pebble data directory
|-- blogs
| |-- default
|   |--
|   |-- 2006
|   |-- files
|   |-- images
|   |-- ...
|-- realm
  |-- {username1}.properties
  |-- {usernameN}.properties


The following diagrams show the directory structure when Pebble is hosting more than a single blog, in Pebble 1.x and Pebble 2.x respectively. You will need to restructure your existing directories to match this new layout.

- Blog directory
|-- blog1

| |--
| |-- 2006
| |-- files
| |-- images
| |-- ...
|-- blogN
| |--
| |-- 2006
| |-- files
| |-- images
| |-- ...
- Pebble data directory
|-- blogs
| |--
| |-- blog1
|   |--
|   |-- 2006
|   |-- files
|   |-- images
|   |-- ...
| |-- blogN
|   |--
|   |-- 2006
|   |-- files
|   |-- images
|   |-- ...
|-- realm
  |-- {username1}.properties
  |-- {usernameN}.properties


The way Pebble themes are implemented has been simplified and Pebble 1.x themes are not compatible. For this reason, the following steps should be followed before starting up Pebble.

  • Remove the backup theme : remove the directory called theme underneath each blog