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What do I need to configure?

There are several pieces of information that you may want to configure with Pebble, all of which are specified in the /WEB-INF/ file.

  • Data directory (dataDirectory) : the location where your Pebble data is stored. The default is $user.home/pebble, and this directory is created automatically if it doesn't exist. If running as a secure user under *nix, the value of $user.home may point to /dev/null so be sure to check and change the data directory property as appropriate.
  • URL (url) : the URL (starting http:// or https://) where your blog is hosted. The default value is blank, which means "auto-discover at runtime".
  • Secure URL (secureUrl) : the secure URL (starting https://), which should only be set if you intend to use secure login.
  • Multi-blog (multiBlog) : a flag to indicate whether Pebble is running in multi-blog mode, default is false.
  • SMTP host (smtpHost) : the name/IP address of the server through which e-mail is sent, or a JNDI name starting java:/comp/env pointing to a preconfigured javax.mail.Session instance. The default is java:comp/env/mail/Session.
  • Maximum file upload size (fileUploadSize) : the maximum file upload size in KB.
  • User themes enabled (userThemesEnabled) : a flag to indicate whether user themes are enabled, default is true. Set this value to false to ensure all blogs in a multi-blog installation use the default theme and look consistent.

E-mail notifications

To enable e-mail notifications using a JNDI based mail session, you'll need to follow these steps.

  1. Uncomment the JavaMail resource reference at the bottom of the Pebble web.xml file.
  2. Ensure the JavaMail libraries are installed into your web/application server.
  3. Configure the JavaMail session in your web/application server.

    See Installation for instructions related to specific web/application servers.


Out-of-the-box, Pebble uses log4j (via Jakarta Commons logging) and logs everything from INFO and above to a file called pebble.log in the directory where the web/application server is started from. To alter this, open the WEB-INF/classes/ file and edit as appropriate.